Julian Assange, Germany’s Free Democrats, and their Freedom Problem

Terence Kumpf
16 min readSep 18, 2021

Did Christian Lindner, a sitting member of the Bundestag, appropriate Julian Assange’s likeness to get votes?

2021 FDP political sign for Christian Lindner

#BUNDESWAHL2021. Election season is in full swing in Germany. On Sept 26th citizens will cast their 1st and 2nd ballots for their preferred political parties. After that, high-level figures from the parties that won the most votes will cobble together a governing coalition. It’s been that way in the ol’ West since the end of World War Two, and Bundesweit not long after Germany was unified after the Wall fell. Traditionally, the procedure is a thrilling bore. Think: Funktion über Form.

If you know zilch about German politics, know this: there are loads of parties, and coalition governance is the name of the game. There are 12 active parties in this federal election cycle alone. These parties use colors to distinguish themselves from one another. Color coalitions emerge from the parties that walk away with the most votes. An example, and some say ideal, coalition would be the SPD (Social Dems) as red, the FDP (Free Democrats) as yellow, and Budnis 90/Die Grünen as green. This red-yellow-green coalition would be the famed Ampelkoalition,or traffic light coalition. There could be other coalitions with different parties in the same, or similar, colors — and sometimes even completely different colors. For instance, a leftish coalition might be Die Linke (The Left) as dark red or purple, the MLPD (Marxist-Lenin Party) as yellow and red, and Die Partei (The Party) as gray, white, and red. Wow. Maybe we should call this Farbepolitik and be done with it. Don’t ask me what a right coalition would look like. Nie wieder, mein Freund, nie wieder.

The aim of this Koalitionssystem has been to prevent the rise of a maniacal and murderous dictator like Adolf Hitler. By and large, the system has worked. And while no system, electoral or otherwise, is perfect, Germany is way ahead of its imperial overlord, the United States, which hamstrings democracy, despite what you may have heard, at home and abroad. (RIP Bill Blum.) Democratically speaking, Germany kicks sand in Planet Amerika’s face. Better to die a political death there because when someone dies a slow, political death in Germany, some uppity Ausländer writes about it on Medium. And that’s what I’m writing about here: the demise of a sitting politician’s career.



What are voters in Germany talking about?

With a mix of relief, trepidation, and disinterest (a heady coalition of emotions, for sure), voters are eager to find out who the next chancellor is going to be. After an impressively long stint at the helm, Angela Merkel is stepping down. I’ll leave it to my colleagues at other outlets to ruminate over Frau Merkel’s legacy. So, too, will I leave it to others to speculate which Ampelkoalition will materialize in the wake of the election. Instead, I would like to draw your attention to a juicy scandal just now unfolding.

It has to do with the Free Democrats, Germany’s conservative-libertarian party (FDP). It seems Christian Lindner, the FDP’s standard bearer in the Bundestag, is cosplaying as Julian Assange. You got that right. In official FDP Wahlplakate (political signs), Christian Lindner appears to have been cast in Julian Assange’s likeness. Take a look for yourself.

“I didn’t steal the sign. Someone cut it down and left it on the ground. I picked it up because, as a good samaritan, I can’t bear to see trash spoiling our beautiful dog shit covered streets” (Horst Dubios, voter).

ICH WIEDERHOLE: Christian Lindner macht ein mega Cosplayspiel als Julian Assange in der #BUNDESWAHL2021.

Lindner’s stunt provides a unique opportunity to dig elbow deep into the putrid, dying entrails of liberal democracy. “As we approach the end of Q1 in the 21st cent — .” Sorry, I got a little carried away with the libertarian rhetoric for a second. Still, I think there is something we can learn from Christian Lindner and the FDP’s little stunt.

What’s the FDP all about?

Like all conservative libertarian parties, the FDP is market-oriented and pro-business. They campaign on cutting taxes, and you know what that means: Oma only eats on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays — Sundays, too, but only every other week. Curiously, the FDP purport to be pro-family, but I’ll save my remarks about that until the end. Trust me, it’s worth it.

Interestingly, the FDP was the first political party in Germany to recognize same-sex marriage. They also advocate for digital infrastructure, particularly in rural areas, as well as the legalization of cannabis, presumably so the Landeier can lay lots of Hindu kush eggs, then turn around and sell them on the new digital Autobahn. Any way you slice the eggs (←weird German idiom I’ve never really understood), the FDP is a classic example of European liberalism: fiscally conservative, socially laid back: “with their minds on their money and their money on their minds” (Snoop Dogg).

What’s this BIG SCANDAL all about?

I’m fascinated by political signs and slogans. During election season, there are signs all over the place here, and this year is no different. A couple weeks ago I noticed a sign for Christian Lindner, the FDP’s top dog up for re-election in the Bundestag. Two things about the sign struck me: the slogan and Lindner’s image. First the slogan, then the image. Don’t forget:



Christian Lindner. Or is it?

The slogan: Aus Liebe zur Freiheit.

Translation: For the love of liberty/freedom.

Ah, slogans. “For the love of freedom” jives with the FDP’s conservative-libertarian values: free markets, free enterprise, low taxes, and, above all, individual liberty. Historically, the FDP was about human rights. Not anymore, not really, but back to this slogan. To my ears, “Aus Liebe zur Freiheit” sounds a wee bit like Newspeak, the empty political rhetoric George Orwell warned about in 1984. (The book, not the year.) This is a bit weird because Christian Lindner was not only married to journalist Dagmar Rosenfeld for nine years before they divorced in Aug 2020, he is apparently dating Franca Lehfeldt at the moment, a journalist at RTL, one of the major television stations in Germany. I bet they dig each other’s scoops.

History buffs might note that “Aus Liebe zur Freiheit” resembles some choice political sloganeering from Germany’s not-too-distant past. Of course I’m referring to well-known hits such as Arbeit macht frei, which can be translated as Work sets you free, Work frees, Work liberates, Work is liberating, Work is liberation, or some other nonsense authoritarians would have you believe. Something tells me those sentiments might still vibrate on some dim frequency in the hearts of my libertarian friends. Lord, I hope not.

We know Arbeit macht frei was pure Scheiße because the Nazis hoisted that slogan atop the gate at the entrance of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the forced labor camp where political prisoners — Jews and other ‘deplorables’ (to quote Madame Clinton) — were murdered. Call me crazy, but that sounds like a radical reconceptualization of freedom. It’s not. The phrase deliberately obfuscated the murderous agenda of the Nazis — enabled, in part, by transatlantic business relationships with Ford, IBM, and other American companies. May all their victims rest in peace. Incidentally, extreme capitalism is a hallmark of fascism. Remember that whenever someone starts singing the praises of capitalism and deregulation — you know, someone like the Free Democrats.

OK, so the FDP slogan “Aus Liebe zur Freiheit” has some tenuous connections to Newspeak and Nazism. So what?



When political sloganeering veers dangerously close to the factual and fictional past, we should be concerned, especially when the leader of a major party attempts to use such slogans for political gain, especially a slick politician like Christian Lindner who has had, and still has, relationships with journalists. Who dreamed up “Aus Liebe zur Freiheit” for his campaign? Was it Lindner and the FDP’s crack in-house Thought Squad? His journalist friends? Some perky producers at RTL? A well-paid PR firm hired to deliver some edgy content? Regardless who chose it, I find the word choice sehr dubios.

When political sloganeering veers dangerously close to the factual and fictional past, be concerned.

Naturally, the Free Dems are free, as they should be, to say whatever they want because only fascists ban their political opponents — you know, like when the Nazis banned (then murdered) their opposition, or when Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey suspended Trump’s Twitter account in 2020. While I don’t agree with the FDP on much (ok, fine. Eier für alle), I would never support taking away their right to express their views, or try to halt their involvement in the political process, or deny them a chance to implement their aims. That would be wrong. If you disagree with a party’s agenda, criticize it. Don’t like their ideas? Counter them with your own. Don’t like their arguments? Make better ones. This is where I align with conservative libertarians.

Freedom, baby!

But these standards — freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, freedom to participate — are pretty low bars. For me, anyway. For prisoners, especially political prisoners, these standards become dreams. That’s why they’re important. While the Free Dems have permission to participate in this election cycle, I’d be surprised if Christian Lindner has permission to cosplay as Julian Assange. But who knows: maybe there is a receipt on file at FDP HQ documenting how Lindner and the Free Dems paid a handsome licensing fee to Mr Assange for use of his likeness. Lord, I hope so. Sorry, Herr Lindner. It’s just business.

Seriously, what’s up with that image?

To me, Lindner looks like a young Julian Assange.

“Hi, I’m Chris Lindner, and I approve this message” (Julian Assange). See how dumb that looks?

The black and white headshot was taken from a slightly low angle, a standard technique in documentary photography because it subconsciously elevates the subject in the minds of viewers. As a result, we tend to think more highly of the person in the photograph. Here, Lindner is svelte. He’s got a stubbly beard and is wearing a suit, collared shirt, and a tie. (Très chic, sir.) While this aesthetic makes him look older, and the message is “for the love of freedom,” the screaming hot Telegram I got was “Lindner’s a hipster!” For real, though. Christian looks like a high-minded, ambitious chap with serious aspirations firmly anchored in stalwart Enlightenment principles. What’s not to like? I mean the Enlightenment gave us colonialism, slavery, genocide, and capitalism, didn’t it? Hey, now! (RIP Hank Kingsley.)

Are the Free Democrats advocating for Assange’s release from Belmarsh Prison?

When I first saw this sign, I took a mega double take. To me, Lindner looks like a young Julian Assange: slender, slight beard, suit, shirt, and tie, and whimsical, idealistic eyes that say I mean business. Are Lindner and the Free Dems advocating for Assange’s release, I thought? I didn’t know so I did what any serious person would do: I turned to Duck Duck Go.

The FDP website mentions nothing about Pressefreiheit (freedom of the press), which I find odd given how the FDP flex their libertarian bona fides. It’s also odd given Lindner’s personal history with journalists. It’s even more odd given Julian Assange’s lawfully questionable detention for publishing undisputed, factual information through Wikileaks, the revolutionary platform he founded which has exposed criminal wrongdoing all over the world. How can Lindner credibly claim “for the love of freedom,” I wondered a little too loudly at the supermarket checkout, while saying nothing, or next to nothing, about freedom of the press? Surely this can’t be true, I thought. The teenager in line behind me couldn’t believe it either. I’m still amazed he was able to hear my thoughts, but here we are.

I don’t know much about ethics or integrity, but can Christian Lindner claim he is driven “for the love of freedom” when he’s silent about Julian Assange?

A search for “FDP + Christian Lindner + Julian Assange” turned up scant results in the popular media. But then, I found it. Gold! On Sept 30, 2020, Lindner called on Angela Merkel to stand up for the rights of people to protest in Hong Kong and Belarus — you know, just like the folks at the National Endowment for Democracy, a CIA cutout instituted by Ronald Reagan in the early 1980s to carry out CIA black-ops. (H/T Ben Norton, Max Blumenthal, and everyone at The Grayzone.) It’s probably just a coincidence that Lindner advocates for the same protestors the NED does.

Remember: Funktion über Form, Chris.

Then, on Sept 12, 2021, jackpot! Lindner drew attention on Twitter to the plight of Alexei Navalny, a beleaguered opposition figure in Russia who has been jailed, some claim, on bogus charges. (I’d look into those claims but I don’t speak Bogus.) So here’s Christian Lindner speaking up in the Bundestag for Navalny, but not Assange? One feisty Twitter user pounced on the tweet to confront Lindner about this very issue.

Lindner couldn’t be bothered to respond to Ela’s tweet. Really, I looked.

Man was my maw whet! I did what any Inländer would do: I rallied my ducks and searched for “Christian Lindner + Julian Assange” to get a hold of some articles, interviews, or videos. Thing is I couldn’t find any evidence of Lindner speaking up for Assange in public. (Maybe I missed something. I’m not infallible.) It would appear, then, that this Twitter user was right to call Lindner out. Which raises a really important question:

Is Christian Lindner a gutless coward who can’t speak up for Julian Assange, the world’s most famous dissident currently in jail on spurious charges?

It seems so. But that’s really odd. First of all, Lindner is a military man (air force). That’s got to take some courage, right? Second, the FDP spent good money to paste Lindner’s face on thousands of political signs with the caption “Aus Liebe zur Freiheit” all around the country. Wherein Lindner looks like Assange. Huh. Very strange, indeed.

A pro-Assange group on Facebook also called Lindner out for his double standard, so maybe there is something to all this.

Lindner’s bromance with Navalny Smells Like CIA Spirit™



Have politicians in Germany spoken up for Assange?

Yes, indeed. That includes the FDP’s Bijan Djir-Sarai, but maybe Lindner outsourced the job to him. When politicians speak in defense of Assange and his human rights, we should remember that they are defending bedrock principles of liberal democracy. Major press outlets in Germany routinely give updates about Assange’s unjust detention, including op/eds that argue on his behalf. That is a good thing.

Positive coverage of Assange in the legacy media should be applauded, as Stella Moris, Julian’s fiancé, recently pointed out on social media. Because if Assange is to walk free (and I think he should), it will take accurate reporting to make freedom his reality. I’m thankful politicians across the political spectrum in Germany and elsewhere speak out for Assange, and I’m glad when factual reporting on him appears in any media outlet. (Deutschewelle as been hot garbage on this front.) But if the FDP and Christian Lindner really believe in freedom and liberty, why isn’t Julian Assange a plank in their platform? Seems like a no-brainer to me. Unless…

Are Christian Lindner and the FDP Tools of Empire?

So there you have it: the FDP cast Christian Lindner in Julian Assange’s likeness on a political sign to subtly suggest that Lindner is a tireless crusader for freedom and liberty — but not for Assange, apparently.

For Lindner to model himself after Assange with the slogan “Aus Liebe zur Freiheit” is straight up disgusting. Are Lindner and the FDP exploiting Assange’s likeness with, or without, permission? Why would they — to lure leftists into voting for the FDP? To reel in disaffected centrists and conservatives who empathize with Assange’s plight? If that’s true, it is seriously fucked up because Assange is not free. That’s some rank hypocrisy, Chris. Will someone in the German media pose these questions to Lindner? Maybe, but I won’t be holding my breath. For you see if Lindner and his associates at the FDP are tools of American empire, so too is the media here. That’s how empire works, friends, especially when one country wins a major war the other loses.

“Christian Lindner and the Free Democrats are rudderless shitbags. I hope voters send them packing on Sept 26th.”

— anonymous voter who offered me a swig of cheap Korn in a Netto parking lot. Don’t worry, we socially distanced.

What now?

If I were Assange’s legal team, I would consider bringing a massive lawsuit against the Free Democrats for unfair use of his likeness. Doubly true if Lindner has been silent on Assange’s case all these years. (Hey, maybe Christian will really swap places with Julian. What do you say, Chris — take one for the team?) Whether or not a lawsuit could succeed is not for me to say. But if it did, a substantial financial settlement could fund Assange’s fight against his political persecution. How much would a settlement pay for each sign that unfairly uses the likeness of a man in jail for the crime of publishing factual information? 1 Euro per sign? 10? 100? 1000? Right now there must be thousands, perhaps many thousands, of these Lindner-as-Assange signs all over Germany. Mega lawsuit. Cha-ching. If a lawsuit didn’t succeed, at least it would draw attention to the FDP’s rank hypocrisy and, more importantly, to Julian Assange’s plight.

Seriously, what’s up with that sign?

I don’t know if I would say this particular sign is an example of entartete Kunst (degenerate art, the term the Nazis used to censor art, literature, or music they deemed a threat to the homeland), but I would be lying if I said it didn’t remind me of that. It did, and it still does.

Was Lindner deliberately cast in Assange’s likeness? If so, what does that say about the FDP? What does it say about the state of politics in Germany today? Have we officially entered the era of Entartetepolitik, i.e. degenerate politics?

Any political figure (Lindner) or party (FDP) that claims to stand for principles like liberty doesn’t deserve power when they turn their backs on a person (Assange) who put his own freedom on the line to expose war crimes and corruption. The longer the FDP claims to stand for freedom and Lindner selectively advocates for the rights of some (but not Assange), the more I hope he and the Free Dems will get their asses handed to them on election day. Lass die Saue raus.(Set’em free, y’all.) If the FDP and Lindner deliberately appropriated Assange’s likeness, that decision was politically, ethically, and morally bankrupt. If true, it speaks volumes about the depths to which parties and politicians will go to get and maintain power. If that’s the case here, Christian Lindner and the Free Democrats should be ashamed of themselves. They probably won’t be, though. Shit slides off slimey politicians. They weather scandals by returning to whatever rock they crawled out from, typically in the private sector.

Are the Free Dems Pro-family? Nope. Here’s why.

The FDP claim to be a family-friendly party. Generally speaking, that’s a big thing in Germany. All the parties, and even a lot companies and institutions of learning, use ‘family’ as a metaphor in some way to appeal to people. To lure them, so to speak. “Come work for us, we’re family-friendly!” In the FDP’s case, they’re lying. They don’t care about family or family values, and I can prove it. If they did, they would stick their necks out for Assange. Why? Because Julian’s two sons, which he fathered with Stella Moris, are growing up without their father. While using ‘family’ as a political crutch, Lindner and the FDP do little, if anything, to reunite Assange with Moris and their kids. Seriously, who votes for these slime balls — pot-smoking libertarians with no sense of social responsibility? I’m not sure to be honest. The pot-smoking libertarians I know have a sense of the social contract. They’re still just trying to figure out how to express it properly. Now’s a good time.

But wait! There’s a way out, Herr Lindner. Redemption!

If Christian Lindner wants to atone for deploying vapid political slogans reminiscent of Newspeak and the Nazis, as well as for co-opting Assange’s likeness to score votes, he should invite Stella Moris to speak at the Bundestag. Sponsor the entire trip: airfare, hotels, per diem food allowance, and some niceties for her and the children. Lindner could pay for it with FDP funds. Give Ms Moris the opportunity to speak about Assange’s case on the world stage from the Reichstag in Berlin. If Lindner really stood for family values, he and the FDP would work to reunite Assange with his fiancé, children, and his family back home in Australia. In other words, Lindner could put his lofty libertarian ideals in action and show the world he’s a man of integrity, not some opportunistic worm who cavalierly dons the face of the world’s most famous political prisoner to advance a political career. Because if that is what’s happening here, Chris, it’s fucking Groß.



The Funktion of the slogan is obvious: dupe voters into thinking Lindner and the FDP care about freedom and liberty. The Form — the likeness of Julian Assange — over which Lindner elevates Funktion is an actual living human being currently in prison for publishing inconvenient facts about crimes the United States and its allies committed. Since Germany has played its part in the US War of Terror, and Lindner served in the military, there’s a conflict of interest here. I’m glad I’m not Chris Lindner. If I were I’d feel pretty uncomfortable and foolish right now. Do worms have feelings?

Bottom line, Christian Lindner is suffering from a case of bad function, bad form, and seriously poor judgement. I hope it tanks his political career. Because if there is anything the world can do without it is duplicitous, lying politicians who pretend to be something, or someone, they are not. Lindner is not Assange. If he wants to cosplay as Julian Assange at private parties in Berlin’s high-end martini bars, I say go for it. But for the love of all that is decent and honest, stop impersonating Julian Assange to get votes. It’s seriously fucking gross.

In closing, I’d like to address Mr Lindner directly, in his own language, just in case his English is a little rusty.

Doch im Ernst, Herr Lindner. Laden Sie Stella Moris und Julians Familie (Vater, Bruder, Mutti) in den Bundestag ein. Zahlen Sie ihre Reisekosten (1. Klasse) mit Unterkunft (auch etwas Luxuriöses), sodass Frau Moris über Julian Assange und seinen Humanrechtsfall vor einer Vollversammlung sprechen darf. Alle Kosten tragen die Freien Demokraten. Das ist das Mindeste, was Sie tun können, wenn Sie sich das Bildnis ihres Verlobten “ausleihen”, um Ihre eigene politische Karriere voranzutreiben.

The whole world is watching, Mr Lindner.

The whole world is watching.


